15 tips to write a great blog

For your spiritual business

Do you want some tips on how to write a great blog post?

In the digital age, where information is abundant, creating a blog that resonates with your audience’s spiritual journey is both a privilege and a challenge. As a spiritual teacher and course creator in 2024, you have the opportunity to touch hearts, open minds, and encourage personal growth through your words (and find potential new clients and students!). Here are 15 essential tips to help you write high-value and spiritually enriching and SEO-optimized blogs.

1. Define Your Spiritual Niche

First things first, you need to define your niche. This is one of our most essential tips to writ a great blog post. Begin by clearly defining your spiritual niche. Are you focusing on mindfulness, yoga, holistic healing, or another area of spirituality? Is your ideal client a corporate woman looking for meaning in life or perhaps they are spiritual seekers trying to decode their soul history. Maybe you are looking to help other yoga teachers enhance their teaching skills. 

By narrowing down your niche, you can create more targeted and relevant content. This specificity not only appeals to a more defined audience but also helps with SEO, making your blog more likely to be found by those seeking your unique spiritual perspective.

2. Make content easily skimmable

Our next tip to write a great blog post is all about readability. We live in a world where people are incredibly time-poor and short attention spans are more prevalent than ever. This is why it is so important to structure your content correctly. If people have come to your blog for the answer to one specific question, they don’t want to have to sift through a bunch of other stuff to find it. Including a table of contents with links to the relevant part of the blog works wonders.

Make your paragraphs short and sentances short and always include titles.

3. Include links

A lot of businesses tend to question the benefit of including external links in their content. Naturally, it can be seen as a way of driving traffic away from your site, which is exactly what you don’t want. However, external links can actually provide educational resources for your readers that will help them in the long run. As long as you don’t link to any of your competitor’s websites, it is unlikely that you will drive potential customers away. You can also include relevant links to other blog posts on your website or your social media, podcast & YouTube channel.

4. Go in-depth

This is one of our best tips for writing a great blog post for spiritual businesses. Stand out from the crowd by making it your mission to provide the most comprehensive content possible. You want your readers to be able to find all the resources they need in one place, without having to seek out content from your competitors. Check out the top-performing article on your chosen topic and seek to do it better. Aim to make your blog piece the best on the market (but still readable and skimmable)!

5. Quality over quantity

Quality is a crucial tip for writing a great blog post. It is essential! You’ll be pleased to hear that you don’t have to be pumping out daily blog content for it to be effective. With blogging, frequency isn’t the measure of success. It is much more valuable to take your time crafting an excellent blog article that gets results. Couple this with a solid Pinterest Strategy and you will certainly see your website traffic go up.

6. Know your audience

One of the key things to have front of mind when crafting a blog piece is “What do your audience want to know?” Some topics may have higher levels of search volume than others. In order to provide value to your audience, you need to tailor your content to fit their needs and speak in a way they resonate with.

Do research on Google Search trends among the demographics of your ideal niche and see what the top search results are in Google Trends to give you ideas and inspiration for topics to write about.

7. Visual and video content

Video has become a dominating force in the marketing landscape and embedding branded video into your blog is a successful tactic. Therefore one of the best tips for writing a great blog post is to make it visual. We are also living in a generation that struggles with reading long chunks of content, so it may be a good idea to break up your text with images, diagrams and infographics to get your point across.

8. Educational content over salesy content

As a business and spiritual course or service provider, your main focus is probably to sell a service or product. However, overly salesy blog content can turn customers off rather than draw them in. By incorporating a subtle call to action at the end of your blog and sprinkling in internal links in a non-spammy way, you should be able to successfully keep people engaged. Focus on offering value, and positioning yourself as an authority but balance it with ensuring your readers want more!

9. Updating outdated content

As a business, we understand that time is of the essence and that blog writing can be time-consuming. Where possible, it pays to recycle old content and breathe new life into it by making it relevant once more. 

Focus on content that has performed well in the past.

10. Turn your podcasts or YouTube videos in SEO optimised blogs

If you already have a podcast or a YouTube channel with long form content, you can repurpose it into an SEO blog post. Use a transcription service such as Auris to create a transcript. Then format the content into a blog format with links to your YouTube channel and/or podcast.

11. Share Personal Experiences

Authenticity resonates deeply in spiritual blogging. Share your personal journey, experiences, and lessons learned. This not only adds credibility to your writing but also helps in building a bond with your readers. Personal stories enriched with emotions and insights can be powerful catalysts for spiritual connection and reflection.

12. Provide Actionable Insights

While it’s important to inspire, offering practical, actionable advice is just as crucial. Whether it’s meditation techniques, mindfulness exercises, or lifestyle tips, providing readers with tools they can apply in their daily lives makes your blog more valuable and engaging. And it will be a great gateway to integrating CTAs to your offerings because you will certainly leave them wanting more of your insights and wisdom.

13. Foster a Community

Encourage interaction and community building. End your posts with thought-provoking questions, invite comments, or suggest actions that your readers can report back on. Engaging with your readers in the comments section or through social media can transform your blog from a monologue into a dialogue.

14. Consistency is Key

Regularly updating your blog with fresh content is vital. Consistency keeps readers coming back and helps with SEO, as search engines favour websites with updated content. Create a content calendar to plan your posts and maintain a steady rhythm of publishing.

15. Optimize for SEO

Finally, ensure your blog is SEO-optimized. This tip for writing a great blog post cannot be overlooked. Use relevant keywords like ‘spiritual growth’, ‘mindfulness practices’, ‘holistic healing blog’, etc., but do so naturally and sparingly. Pay attention to other SEO elements like meta descriptions, headers, and alt text for images. Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your blog’s performance and areas for improvement. Yoast SEO is a great plug-in on WordPress to help you master your SEO even if you are a novice.

Writing a blog for your spiritual business is a fulfilling endeavour that can have a profound impact on your audience. By following these tips, you can create content that is not only spiritually enriching but also reaches a wider audience through effective SEO practices. 

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tips to write a great blog for your spiritual business

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