Online business management and organic content marketing for spiritual businesses, that is Sarpa Social. The vision driving Sarpa Social is a world where we understand how intricately connected we all are to each other and the planet by raising the collective consciousness. This leads to organisations, systems and individuals on Earth driven by compassion, love and unity and helps us to attain liberation & freedom for all beings. 

Sarpa Social is a boutique content management agency specialising in content marketing for spiritual businesses. Our mission is to create and share meaningful, purpose driven content for businesses. The aim is to help conscious, connected and heart led entrepreneurs, educators & small spiritual businesses spread their message, increase brand awareness, and generate more abundance so we can co-creating a better world, together.

Meet our founder & director, Christina Miller

Key Stats:

Human Design: 5/1 Splenic Projector

Sun: Libra

Moon: Sagittarius 

Rising: Sagittarius 

Favourite Colour: Pink

Favourite Country: India

The way to your heart: A surprise holiday!

I’m an online business manager, content manager and director of Sarpa Social, but more importantly I am a devoted yogi, yin yoga teacher, compassionate plant eater and highly addicted traveller with an insatiable appetite for learning all things spiritual, quantum and conscious. 

I was born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand. I had an amazing upbringing, a great family and solid education that I used to get my foot in the corporate door. After having an awakening before I barely signed my employment contract at a major accounting firm I decided this is NOT what I was born to do. And so the quest began.

I spent much of my 20s travelling, living overseas, going from job to job to fund my next adventure all the while I was slowly started to feed my spiritual curiosity by practicing yoga, diving into Youtube rabbit holes and digging into all sorts of classical spiritual books (Be Here Now being one of the most profound!) as I tried to figure out what on Earth I should be doing with my life.

When I switched to a plant based diet in 2015, I understood for the first time that we are all connected and I felt so much compassion for all beings and our Earth. From this moment I started to realise that my role here on Earth may be to help raise the collective consciousness through spiritual teachings and learning about our connection to each other, nature and the universe as a whole to allow more people to have these same realisations.

We can then collectively work towards the goal of creating a better world full of love, high vibes and natural abundance for future generations. But how was I going to do? I had no idea (and I definitely still haven’t figured that one out yet)!

So in 2018 I headed to India on a one-way ticket straight to Rishikesh to do a 200 hour yoga teacher training in the motherland of yoga. I thought I went to India just become a yoga teacher, but it was so much than that. I went to India to learn about myself on an insanely deep level, to challenge my perception on reality, to truly open my heart, detach from materiality & discover what it is like to be free. This turned a 5 month trip into a 1.5 year adventure and completely changed the way I see the world and want to live my life. 

During this trip I started a travel blog to share travel stories and express myself creatively through writing, photography and design. When I ran out of money I decided to use these skills to create content for others so I could continue to live the (digital) nomad dream. 

I am now travelling the world whilst building this agency to offer content marketing services exclusively for spiritual businesses. After more than five years of experience working in this field I have started to expand my team so we can taking on even more amazing clients. 

This has led me to combine my content & marketing skills with my soul mission to make earth a better place. I am honoured to be able to work exclusively on content marketing for spiritual businesses with an aligned vision so we can co-create a better tomorrow. 

Let’s do this!

Meet The Sarpa Social Team

Issa Cash

Content marketing for spiritual businesses

Key Stats:

Human Design: 2/4 solar plexus Generator

Sun: Aries

Moon: Pisces

Rising: Capricorn

Favourite Colour: Moss or rose

Favourite Country: Ireland

The way to your heart:
Delicious food cooked with love

Hello, my name is Issa.

I am a 24-year-old mixed media artist from the UK.

I gained my BTEC in video production from Weymouth College in 2016. But heart and head were in the clouds, always thinking of adventure. 

I left the UK at the beginning of 2017 to travel the world, putting my experiences in the editing room into practice by making videos and vlogs of my adventures. On this trip, I also fell in love with the art of hand-poked tattooing and quickly got hooked into symmetrical and symbolic design creations that wove in my love for spirituality and the mystical. 

I spent three years in New Zealand honing my craft of tattoo and design as well as many other aspects of the creative world. As I mentioned above, I now work in video and audio editing, as well as copy and creative writing, intuitive digital design and everything in between.

Working with Sarpa Social is a creative’s dream come true. The opportunity to create purpose-driven art and content for spiritual businesses with a love-centred mission is a privilege. I am beyond excited for the co-creation to come. 

Edlyn Pomperada

Content marketing for spiritual businesses

Key Stats:

Human Design: Manifestor

Sun: Pisces 

Moon: Taurus

Rising: Aires

Favourite Colour: Pink

Favourite Country: Singapore

The way to your heart:
Food and gifts

My original purpose for going into becoming a VA was simple, to never have to get a normal job in my adult life as a Nurse, spend more quality time with my kids being a single mom and to be brilliant at whatever it was I was doing.

That was it, the simple GOAL!

I didn’t care about the other ‘stuff’ like money, status, or other things like that. I just wanted to be free. Not tied down the 24/7 working lifestyle I saw my parents and friends live, passing ships always to the point it pushed them apart.

Every decision has consciously and unconsciously been driven by this tiny little vision. In fact, mostly unconsciously! The realisation that I followed this throughout the last few years and it has blown past all goals and dreams that I had, is an achievement I’m gonna hold on to.

And for that, I want to say thank you to every person who has been a part of my journey, worked with me, partnered and had faith in me in the last 5 years.

Sarpa Social is another milestone I’m very excited to be a part of. Let’s crack on!

What is the significance of 'Sarpa'?

What has the word 'Sarpa' got to do with content marketing for spiritual businesses? Well it's actually quite personal...

The word Sarpa means snake or serpent in Sanskrit. It is inspired by the name of a pose in Shadow Yoga, which is one style of yoga that I am a practitioner of. But the word Sarpa or snake is much more than just a cool word! The meaning and symbolism of the snake is deeply spiritual and significant among many ancient cultures around the world. I have always deeply resonated with the symbology and meaning behind serpentine energy and want to infuse that essence into work I do for myself and with others. And so Sarpa Social was born. 

In many cultures the snake represents wisdom, fertility, creative life force, rebirth, and immortality, due to shedding of its skin and being symbolically “reborn." 

In ancient Tantrik scriptures originating from India the serpent also represents the Kundalini, prana or life force energy, coiled up at the base of the spine. When activated, this energy can move up to the higher chakras. The snake is closely associated with Shiva, who represents universal consciousness.

In the Biblical Adam and Eve story, it is said that the serpent, who holds the secrets & wisdom of the universe, was coiled around the tree of life and offered this wisdom to Eve as an apple from the tree. It is also believed in some ancient cultures that the energetic centres or chakras of the Earth are within a serpent, wrapped around the planet.

This is barely scratching the surface on all the ancient symbolism and meanings of the snake around the world. As you can see the serpent is a powerful symbol that has been important to humanity throughout the ages and the resonance to the snake continues to be sparked within many of us today.

Long story short - I love snakes!

Sarpa Social Content Marketing Agency for Spiritual Business