How to do an instagram audit of your Spiritual Business

to optimise your Instagram Account

When was the last time you did an Instagram audit and updated or optimized your Instagram profile? If it’s been a while, that’s okay! Life and work get in the way and often we forget to polish and update our profiles and we expand and evolve in our spiritual businesses.

When we set up our Instagram profile and start going about our business and content creation, we can leave it totally untouched for way too long, and it can feel like a bit of a chore (I mean using the word audit isn’t exactly inspiring, I know!).

But there are just a few things you can check up on and refresh to make sure your profile is optimised and generally a nice place for people to land and discover more about you and what you do.

First, why is it important do an instagram audit to have an optimised Instagram profile?

There are actually many reasons to do an Instagram audit have an optimised Instagram profile especially when you want to grow your audience and attract your ideal clients. So let’s dive in.

  • First Impression & Brand Identity:  Your profile is often the first touchpoint for potential clients. They may see your reel, love what they see, click on your profile and from there get a first impression and decide in a split second whether to follow you or not. A well-designed, on-brand profile with high-quality visuals and a clear bio creates a professional and trustworthy first impression, reflecting your brand identity effectively.
  • Increased Discoverability:  Optimization through relevant keywords in your bio and profile name can help people find your business when searching Instagram. This increases brand awareness and attracts potential customers interested in what you offer.
  • Driving Engagement & Conversions:  A captivating profile for your spiritual business account entices visitors to explore your content and connect with your brand. A clear call to action in your bio, like a link to your website or contact information, can convert interest into website visits, new email list leads, inquiries, and ultimately sales.
  • Building a Community:  An optimized profile allows you to showcase your brand personality and values. By sharing engaging content and interacting with followers in the comments, you can build a loyal community around your business. When people navigate to your profile, you want them to immediately know who you are, what your vibe is, what you do and most importantly, what you can do for THEM. Your profile is more about speaking to your ideal clients and students as opposed to speaking about yourself.

Are you convinced to give your profile a once over? Without further ado, let me show you how to audit and optimise your spiritual business Instagram account!

instagram audit for spiritual businesses

1. What is the name on your profile? 

This isn’t the bio but the name field. Make sure your name actually includes keywords that describe what you do and who for in as few words as possible. If you are a personal brand include your name and if you are a business brand include your business name. If your account isn’t super established you may even want to consider whether your Instagram handle deserves an upgrade to align better with your spiritual business.

Our Instagram handle and name are the only places (at the moment) that are searchable on Instagram. This means having keywords can help people search for what you do actually find you!

2. Do you need to update your profile picture?

I am certainly guilty of going years without updating my profile pictures. But as your spiritual business evolves, your brand, your look and your feel will evolve too. Make sure your profile picture reflects this! It’s best to have a photo where your face is visible if you are a personal brand. Make sure that it is high quality and reflects the essence of what you do. Having contrasting colours in the photo can help your image stand out more.

If you need an excuse to book a photo shoot, let this be it!

3. Is your bio simple and easy to read and infused with your personality and vibe?

Writing Instagram bios can be a real chore, especially with the 150-character limit! The most important thing is that it is clear, simple, and easy to read. Forget filler words and separate sentences with spaces. Emojis are a great way to demonstrate your vibes, and your personality and describe what you do without words. Just don’t go overboard, strategic use of emojis is what we are after.

You can also use an Instagram Fonts generator to copy and paste different fonts in your bio to accentuate certain words and help them stand out. It can make a more interesting reading experience for your audience.

4. Are you speaking to your ideal client in the first sentence?

In the first line of your bio make sure you say what you can do for your ideal client, not stats about who you are and where you are from or your credentials. You want someone to come to your bio and say ‘They are talking to me! That’s what I need’.

For example ‘I help women you lead from their feminine power’ or ‘Soul mission and ascension for light leaders’ or ‘I help lightworkers refine the art of intuition’ or ‘demystifying ancient wisdom for the modern yogi’.

It may take a while for you to come up with the exact right sentence you want to put here but it is worth the effort!

5. Do you have an email list-building CTA in your bio?

If you don’t already have an opt-in freebie or list-building funnel, all I can say is, that you should start working on that right away (I can help!).

However, if you already have an email list-building opt-in freebie make sure that you mention that in your bio and direct people to your link. This is important because we really want to capture as many followers as you can onto your email list. The reason is, that you don’t own your social media accounts. They can be taken away from you in a flash, however, you own your email list and you can reach your email list directly. It’s much more personal. On top of all of that, you can use your opt-in freebie to give your followers immense value and showcase your gifts, skills, talents, and teaching style and hopefully leave them wanting to receive even more from you. Plus email marketing is still one of the most effective ways of making sales, launching offerings and converting leads into paying clients. Don’t skip this step!

6. How is your shop front looking? 

Can profile visitors see what you are about when they land on your profile?

We can look at our Instagram profile as our storefront. This is where people come to browse you! They come to check you out, see what you post, see what your deal is. Just think about your own behaviour for a second. I’m sure when you are deciding whether to give someone a follow you have a browse of their profile to see who they are and whether you want to engage with them and receive their content.

When someone lands on your profile can they see what you do, what you offer, what your energy and vibe is and who you are?

We can make our shopfront look great by using branded graphics, and images that use similar colours and filters and if you like you can create an aesthetically pleasing grid by having a content plan and calendar (get my free planner here to help with this!).

Another thing you can do is to pin posts to your feed and reels. These may be upcoming events, launches or even just a post that introduces you and what you do. You can pin reels (many people decide to pin their best-performing reels!) to showcase yourself and your business to potential followers.

7. How are your story highlights looking? 

Story highlights are another element of our storefront. They are a way to immortalise your stories instead of having them disappear after 24 hours – what a gift for our spiritual businesses! Check to see how they are organised, are the covers on brand, and whether are they up to date & still useful and relevant to the work that you do. You don’t necessarily need a story highlight for your dog on your business account (of course unless your dog is relevant to what you offer!).

Other ways to make your storefront look amazing (other than your bio which is already nailed) are to create and organise your story highlights using branded graphics or on-brand colours. In your highlights, you can showcase your various offerings and events with links and just the different segments of your business. You don’t need to add everything to highlights, just things you want people who are new to browse through. It’s also worth noting that you should put a reminder in your phone once a week or month to review and update old highlights and make sure there isn’t anything in there that isn’t relevant anymore like past events.

Now go and give your IG profile and once over and when you’re done come back here and let me know!

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